Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Literature Review - Transformational Leadership Essay

Literature Review - Transformational Leadership - Essay Example In his discussion on political leaders, Burns defined transformational leadership as a process wherein leaders and followers mutually â€Å"promote each other to higher levels of morality and motivation (Jandaghi Matin & Farjami, 2009, p. 211). Another definition identifying transformational leadership as a process is that of Bass (1998) who described transformational leadership not as a characteristic but as a process wherein one person creates a link with another person, thereby establishing a connection that helps increase the level of motivation and morality, both for the leader and for the follower. Two elements appear common to these definitions, that of citing morality as the motivation for behavior, and the strong personal relationship between leader and follower, or between persons, as the source of that motivation. According to Barker (2001), leadership is: (1) a process not specifically a function of the person in charge, but a function of individual wills and needs addre ssed by the dynamics of the collective will; (2) a process of adaptation and of evolution, a deviation from convention involving the dynamic exchange and interchange of value; and (3) a process of energy, not structure. Leadership and change therefore go hand in hand; they are the two most important, yet most problematic elements of organizational behavior (Burnes & By, 2011). Leadership is concerned with bringing about transformational change. The fundamental differences between managers and leaders: †¢ Managers can be dismissed from their jobs for breaking rules; leaders can be dismissed for not breaking the rules when it is called for. †¢ Performance measures against which managers are evaluated are clear and short-term; criteria for judging leaders are more vague and long-term. Transformational v transactional leadership The study by Jiao, Richards and Zhang (2011) observed that transformational leaders and transactional leaders are often viewed in juxtaposition and th erefore contrasted against each other. However, there are successful leaders whose style and approach applies both transactional and transformational leadership principles. Transactional leadership is described as a process whereby followers perform assigned tasks in accordance with the leader’s instructions in contemplation of rewards and praise, while leaders ensure that the promised remuneration or praise, together with the resources necessary to complete the task, are given as promised. The deal becomes a quid-pro-quo, a give-and-take with each party working towards their own self-interest. Transformational leadership, however, involves profound change, wherein the leaders raise their followers’ awareness of the value and importance of specified outcomes, and suggest ways by which the follower may attain these outcomes. Leaders influence their followers and motivate them with a moral purpose, so that they transcend their personal interests and work for the collecti ve benefit, in the process fulfilling a higher order need. When the two (i.e., transactional and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Helicopter investigation Essay Example for Free

Helicopter investigation Essay Easily established, the sycamore tree produces sycamore seeds. These seeds are of an extremely strange looking seed, I say this because the seeds when in the air they spin like tiny helicopters. Due to the spinning they are kept in the air for a longer amount of time. Aim In this investigation I have been asked to find out how long it takes for a paper helicopter to fall 2 metres. After doing this I shall investigate other ways of changing the timing of its landing. I shall do this by using a range of variables. These include of:   Length of wings Number of tailsI have chosen to use the variable of the number of paperclips being added to the tail of the paper helicopter that I shall make. I have chosen to change this variable because I know that gravitation is the effect of the gravitational force of attraction, which acts between all objects in the universe. For example it is widely noticed with massive objects like the planets. The planets remain in orbit because of gravitational force of attraction. The gravitational force, which pulls the object downwards, is called the weight of the object. Isaac Newton stated that there is a gravitational force of attraction between any two objects with mass, which depends on their masses, and the distance between them. I think with this information I can easily say that by adding more and more paperclips on to the tail of the paper helicopter it will gain more weight which will cause the gravitational force to pull it downwards rather than upwards as there is a bigger mass pulling it downwards. I also chose to use this variable instead of changing the length of the wings because I thought that it would have a much more affective difference in the timing of its landing. In this investigation in order to get the best results possible I shall be doing the experiment 5 times. This will give me a good range of results and a better result as I get a better view of the timing of how long it takes to land with different numbers of paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. It is always essential to make every investigation of whatever type it is to make sure that it is going to be a fair test. In order to achieve this I shall only be changing one variable, which I have already established to be of the number of paperclips added to the tail of the paper helicopter. Prediction In the investigation which I shall be doing I think that I will be expecting for the paper helicopter to fall to the ground in a much quicker timing when it has 5 paperclips attached to the tail of it, than it should do when it has either none, 1,2,3,or 4 paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. I say this because from the information that I have already been supported by to take this investigation further, it also helps me with my prediction. Using Isaac Newtons law of gravitation, I can easily say that with his theory of objects being pulled downwards by a force called weight, it helps me to explain that when I add more and more paperclips to the tail of the paper helicopter it doesnt just mean that the number of paperclips are increasing but it also means that the mass is also increasing. Causing the paper helicopter to fall downwards and not upwards. Why do I say this? I say this because an example being is Say if I were to get a balloon and fill it with Helium, due to the helium being placed inside of the balloon we already know that for some reason the balloon seems to go up into the air. This is because Helium is lighter than air causing the gravitational force to pull it upwards and not downwards as the weight is very low. Whereas if we were to place water inside of the helium filled balloon it would be brought back downwards because the weight of the water forces the balloon to be brought back down again. What do I expect in the graph outcome? It is easily said that when a line graph is drawn out to show the results of the investigation that I am about to carry out, the line should start off near the very top of the y axis. This should be when there are no paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. Near quite the very end of the x axis should the very last point be drawn, therefore making the plotted points decreasing as it goes along the x and y axis. I think that this graph prediction would go for both the average graph and the graphs for all 5 sets of results, which shall be already obtained by that time. Equipment (As shown in Diagram 1. 1) Paper   Paper clips   Stopwatch/Timer   Scissors   Ruler Diagram 1. 1 Method What should I be doing in order to make this investigation to the highest standard possible? In order to get good results I firstly have to start off by making the paper helicopter. In this experiment I have to look into the needs of safety, I have noticed that none would have to be carried out such as goggles or safety cloaks etc How do I make a paper helicopter? Firstly I am to get a piece of A4 paper. Some may choose for the A4 to be coloured but I will just leave it to be plain. In our class lesson Mr Findley (our physics teacher,) has given us an information sheet, which includes of the carcass drawing of the paper helicopter. It shows us where to cut and fold and what measurements are involved. Diagram 1. 2 The diagram, which has been drawn above, has not been drawn to scale. Once I draw out the drawing of the paper helicopter on the A4 sheet of paper, carefully done using a ruler of course. I am to cut along and fold along the lines as described: Where the dotted lines are shown this is where we are to fold along, and where the straight solid lines have been drawn in, we are to cut along them. The cutting of course will be done with a pair of scissors. After they are cut out and folded along, some may find it better and more presentable if they are to be decorate and colour in their paper helicopters! What else is involved in this investigation? Once all of the above has been done we are to set up our equipment out. Having set out the timer, paperclips, and paper helicopter in front of me, I am to make sure that I have drawn out a results table, which I will record the timings down in. (As shown in the results table. ) I will then ask for a little help for getting the timing at the best time possible. When I went to drop/release the paper helicopter from my hands I realised that I wasnt actually in fact dropping/releasing the paper helicopter from 2 metres of height. In fact I was dropping it from my height with my arms being placed right above my head as high as I could manage. So I then made sure to measure how high I was releasing the paper helicopter from, I found that with the heels of my shoe and my arms being stretched up way above my head I was actually releasing the paper helicopter from a height of 2 metres and 3 centimetres. I left the measurement of the height I was releasing the paper helicopter at how it was already, because it was getting to the point where it would be getting very time consuming. When dropping the paper helicopter out of my hands I am to make sure that I drop it at the same time that my friend is to say GO, this is so that he can time it with accuracy. When the paper helicopter will land on the ground I will then yell STOP, so that he is able to stop the timer/stopwatch at the right time in order to get the most accurate timing possible. When I get results for dropping the paper helicopter without any paperclips attached to the tail of it, 5 times, I will make sure that I have written down the timings in my results table. After doing so, I am to attach the first paperclip to the paper helicopter and then do the same thing again. (Drop the paper helicopter, time it, and write down timings in results table. ) After every 5 sets of results with the same number of paperclips attached, I am to add another paperclip to the paperclip, which is already placed on the tail of the paper helicopter. I shall do this until I have 5 paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. How the paper clips should be placed has been shown in the diagram below. Diagram 1. 3 Results Table Number Of Paperclips 1st (Time in Seconds) 2nd (Time in Seconds) 3rd (Time in Seconds) 4th (Time in Seconds) 5th (Time in Seconds) Average (Time in Seconds) 08 As you can see, in the results tables above I have gathered all my timings into the table. Once I had placed all my timings in the table I was to work out the average of each set of timings. To do this I was to add up all of the sets of timings together and then divide it by 5 because that was the number of times I had done the experiment for each set. Here are my workings out towards how I worked out the average for each set of results. Workings out for Average(s) (Please note that / stands for the division sign) When working out the, I firstly got all my timings for the specific set of results, added them together and divided them by 5, I divided it by 5 because this was the number of times I had timed it falling from the air to the ground. As shown below: Number of paperclips = 0 Timings 1Graphs/Conclusion I have formed out a graph to show the results of the five sets of results. Another graph is shown on the next page, except this is a graph, which shows the averages of all 5 sets of results, which I had gathered in my investigation. From looking at this graph we can easily say that the second set of results stand out the most. I have re-checked my results and have noticed that none of the outcome results really stand out greatly, as they are all in proportion. This shows me that my experiments had gone very well without making any large genuine mistakes. I think that the 2nd time I did all the results, the timing may not have been stopped at the right time or maybe not started at the right time, causing the timing to be of a much higher outcome than it should have done. There is not really much of a time difference from when there was two paperclips on the tail of the paper helicopter to when there was three paperclips attached to the paper helicopters tail. Looking back at the result table I can see that there is only a difference of 0. 06 seconds whereas in my other results I have found there to be at least a 0. 10 second difference. It is obviously noticeable that my prediction was to go ahead to be forwardly correct. I can say this with confidence because I had information to back up my prediction, which helped me forward, my ideas towards what should actually happen in my experiment. As said earlier in my prediction, I mentioned that the line would be decreasing down towards the x axis and away from the y axis. We can see in the graph above that this predicament was proved to be correct. From looking at this averages graph it is easily spoken of that the investigation that I have carried have has gone very well. I say this because as shown above, we can see that the average line is actually going downwards as the number of paperclips had increased on the tail of the paper helicopter. Thus showing that my prediction was right. I was able to make sure that my prediction was quite reliable with backing it up with a hypothesis, which had been concluded, from Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitation. With the information from this Law of Gravitation I was able to predict that when there is a force being put onto an object from its natural force then it is called weight as it is pulling it downwards. So when I was asked to do an experiment that was involved in placing more and more paperclips to the tail of a paper helicopter I already knew in my mind that the timing of the landing would get shorter and shorter. This was due to general knowledge but also scientific knowledge Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitation. With this scientific explanation we have been able to predict many scientific happenings. Evaluation I am glad to say that throughout the whole of this investigation I did not make any noticeable, genuine mistakes. I later went on to find out that I was standing at a height of 2 metres and 3 centimetres. This information of course was later found out after I was more than half way through the experiment, so I had to decide whether to go ahead with doing the experiment all at a drop of 2 metres and 3 centimetres or change it and have half the results at 2 metres and 3 centimetres whilst the rest of the results would be obtained from a height of an exact 2 metres. I had decided that if I were to go on to do this I would not be carrying out a fair test. Although the investigation was asked of a 2 metre drop I still thought that although I had dropped it at an extra 3 centimetres higher it was still a very fair test because I had kept drop height throughout the whole of the investigation. Whilst doing the investigation I had managed to do everything according to how I had written it out to have been done, although sometimes I had to be re-timed as mistakes were made as I sometimes dropped the paper helicopter without being told to! All in all I think the investigation was carried out well and was a fair test, I made sure that only one variable was changed and that the timing was done at the most accurate timing possible. In order to make it a fair test it also meant that safety was to be involved as well, as far as I was concerned not many safety measures had to be taken, I say this because as mentioned earlier no safety goggles were needed, no hair was really in need of being tied back and no safety cloaks were to be worn. The only safety we were to be notified was to tuck in our stools so that no accidents were to be caused as the investigations were being held. Looking back at my results I dont really think that there were really any results which were unexpected, there may have been the one or two timings which may have been timed a bit earlier than they should have been but nothing which was really way out of proportion. If I were to do this experiment again I think that I will definitely make sure that I am to drop the paper helicopter at a height of 2 metres and not 2 metres and 3 centimetres! I shall aim to achieve more results although I feel that I already have a reasonable amount of timings. I think that if I were to do the experiment again I would achieve a very similar set of results, as it would only be from the difference of 3 centimetres. Bibliography In order to help e forward my ideas I was in need of many sources, in which I found the following helpful. 1) www. encarta. co. uk Law of Gravitation 2) The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science. Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Written by; Corrine Stockley, Chris Oxlade and Jane Werthiem. 3) School GCSE Physics book 4) Physics Lesson.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Reform Of Schools :: essays research papers

The Reform of Schools   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The government of Ontario proposes there is a need to make universally accepted rules in the school system. For students to be more disciplined, the government needs to achieve new province wide standards. If the new school standards will not discipline the students, and if each school entails its guidelines, then the government's province wide code of conduct will fail. Moreover, the intervention of the government will not enforce the students to become more disciplined. While the arguments for producing new rules are unrealistic, more powerful arguments can be made supporting the current code of conduct.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the government's proposition to create a new code of conduct, the students will receive more disciplinary action. Just as the law governs society, the province wide guideline governs the student body. Since the rules will be explained, and since the students will understand the consequences of their actions, then the students will follow these rules. Due to the thoroughness and strictness of the outcomes, there will be fewer problems in the school system. Moreover, to separate schools means to separate students. Since the new code of conduct produces equality, and since it sets forth equal status among individuals, then the students will have a standard that the entire province takes part in. Now, the schools are going from each one entailing their code of conduct. To treating all schools as equals. For example, if a student in Ontario skips out of class, and if the student receives a punishment (making up that class on their time  ® weekends), then the students in other provinces will not skip out of class. Overall, the new bill will make the students who do not want to be at school the school's choice, not the students.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In opposing this proposition, the intervention of the government will not solve schools individual problems. Since discipline is taking place in schools, and since certain schools acquire more disciplinary action from others, then the current code of conduct exemplifies self-discipline and respect towards authority. Purpose for multiple codes of conduct allows the school system to punish the students accordingly. If there was a new province wide standard, there would be one punishment to distribute; however, with the current system, teachers are allowed to fluctuate the punishment according to the severity of the crime. In addition, punishments and discipline play an active role in a student's development. It is essential in determining respect for themselves and authority.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nursing and Theory

Theories and models of nursing practice Dr. Sabah Abbas Ahmad College of Nursing university of Baghdad Sabah. [email  protected] com COMPETENCIES 1. Definitions of theory, concept, model, proposition. 2. Explain the relationships of concepts and propositions to theory 3. Discuss the purpose of theory. 4. Explain the USE OF theories from other disciplines: . .5. Explain the interdependent roles of nursing practice, nursing theory, and nursing research. .6. History and evolution of nursing theory 7. Identify m Common concept in nursing Theories. 8.Identify the three categories relating to the scope of theories. .. – Theories and models of nursing practice Introduction: Nursing theory provides a perspective from which to define the what of nursing, to describe the who of nursing (who is the client) and when nursing is needed, and to identify the boundaries and goals of nursing’s therapeutic activities. Theory is fundamental to effective nursing practice and research. Th e professionalization of nursing has been and is being brought about through the development and use of nursing theory.The basic elements that structure a nursing theory are concepts and propositions. In a theory, propositions represent how concepts affect each other. A concept is the basic building block of a theory. Definitions – A concept : Is a vehicle of thought? According to Chinn and Kramer (1995, p. 78), the refers to a â€Å"complex mental formulation of †¦ our Perceptions of an observable fact that term concept the world. † A concept labels or names a phenomenon, can be perceived through the senses and explained.A concept assists us in formulating a mental image about an object or situation. Concepts help us to name things and occurrences in the world around us and assist us in communicating with each other about the world. Independence, self-care, and caring are just a few examples of concepts frequently encountered in health care. Theories are formulat ed by linking concepts together. -A conceptual framework or Model: is a structure that links global concepts together and represents the unified whole of a larger reality.The specifics about phenomena within the global whole are better explained by theory. By its nature, a concept is a socially constructed label that may represent more than a single phenomenon. For example, when you hear the word chair, a mental image that probably comes to mind is an item of furniture used for sitting. The word chair could represent many different kinds of furniture for sitting, such as a desk chair, a high chair, or an easy chair . It is important to remember that the same concept may be used differently in various theories.For example, one nursing theory may use the concept of environment to mean all that surrounds a human being (the external environment), whereas another theory may use this concept to mean the external environment and all the biological and psychological components of the person (the internal environment). – What Is a Proposition? A proposition: (another structural element of a theory) is a statement that proposes a relationship between concepts. An example of a nonnursing proposition might be the statement â€Å"people seem to be happier in the springtime. This proposition establishes a relationship between the concept of happiness and the time of the year. A nursing propositional statement linking the concept of helplessness and the concept of loss might be stated as â€Å"multiple and rapid losses predispose one to feelings of helplessness. † Propositional statements in a theory represent the theorist’s particular view of which concepts fit together and, in most theories, establish how concepts affect one another. What Is a Theory? A theory: is a set of concepts and propositions that provide an orderly way to view phenomena.In the scientific literature, Nursing theory is developed to describe the phenomenon (process, occurrence, or event) called nursing. Nursing theory differentiates nursing from other disciplines and activities that in that the purposes of describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling desired outcome of nursing care practices. – â€Å"The purpose of a theory: in scientific disciplines is to guide research to enhance the science by supporting existing knowledge or generating new knowledge†. A theory not only helps us to organize our thoughts and ideas, but it may also help direct us in what to do and when and how to do it.The use of the term theory is not restricted to the scientific world, however. It is often used in daily life and conversation. For example, when telling a friend about a mystery novel you are reading, you may have said, â€Å"I have a theory about who committed the crime. † -USE OF theories from other disciplines: In addition to using theories specifically constructed to describe, explain, and predict the phenomena of concern to nursing, the nursi ng profession has long used theories from other disciplines. A discipline : is a field of study.Theories from biological, physical, and behavioral sciences are commonly used in the practice of nursing. For example, nonnursing theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs, Erikson’s Theory of Human Development, and Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome have been and continue to be useful in nursing practice. These nonnursing theories are often incorporated into nursing practice together with specific nursing theories. – – Importance of nursing theories ;in clinical practice: Nursing theories provide a framework for thought in which to examine situations.As new situations are encountered, this framework provides a structure for organization, analysis, and decision making. In addition, nursing theories provide a structure for communicating with other nurses and with other members of the health care team. Nursing theories assist the discipline of nursing in clarifying beliefs, values, and goals, and they help to define the unique contribution of nursing in the care of clients. When the focus of nursing’s contribution is clear, then greater professional autonomy and, ultimately, control of certain aspects of practice are achieved.In the broadest sense, nursing theory is necessary for the continued development and evolution of the discipline of nursing. Because the world of health care changes virtually on a daily basis, nursing needs to continue to expand its knowledge base to proactively respond to changes in societal needs. Knowledge for nursing practice is developed through nursing research that, in turn, is used to either test existing theories or generate new theories. Nursing Practice Nursing research Nursing theory Process of knowledge development. Nursing practice, theory, and research are interdependent.Nursing theory development and nursing research activities are directed toward developing nursing practi ce standards . Nurses may use a specific nursing theory to help guide their practice or may choose a more eclectic approach and adopt ideas from several theories. Both of these approaches are valid. Furthermore, nurses may find some theories more appropriate for certain situations. In that case, one theory can be used with a client in a home health care setting, whereas another theory may be more applicable to a client in an acute care environment.Regardless of the approach chosen, nurses will recognize the value and usefulness of nursing theory as a tool for effective nursing practice. Common concept in nursing Theories: Four concepts common in nursing theory that influence and determine nursing practice are: 1-The person (patient) 3- Health and 4- Nursing Each of these concepts is usually defined and described by a nursing theorist, and although these concepts are common to all nursing theories, both the definition and the relations among them may differ from one theory to another .Of the four concepts, the most important is that of the person . The focus of nursing, regardless of definition or Theory, is the person. Relationship of theory to nursing process: Professional nurses use theories from nursing and from the behavioral sciences to collect, organize, and classify patient data and to understand, analyze, and interpret patients' health situations.Theoretical concepts and theories guide all phases of the nursing process, including planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care, while also describing and explaining desired responses to and outcomes of care. The major concepts of a chosen model or theory guide each of the nursing process . The concepts serve as categories to the nurse in determining what information is relevant and should be collected to make assessments and to formulate nursing diagnoses.The concepts also suggest the appropriate types of nursing interventions and patient outcomes to be included in the care plan. Types of theories: â €Å"Although theories address relatively specific and concrete phenomena, they vary in scope. Scope refers to the relative level of substantive specificity of a theory and the concreteness of its concepts and propositions† three different categories relate to the scope of theories: grand theories, middle-range theories, and micro-range theories.This classification is applicable to both nursing and nonnursing theories. 1- A grand theory is composed of concepts representing global and extremely complex phenomena. It is the broadest in scope, represents the most abstract level of development, and addresses the broad phenomena of concern within the discipline. Typically, a grand theory is not intended to provide guidance for the formation of specific nursing interventions, but rather provides an overall framework for structuring broad, abstract ideas (Fawcett, 1993).An example of a grand theory is Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing. 2- Middle-Range Theory : A theor y that addresses more concrete and more narrowly defined phenomena than a grand theory is known as a middle-range theory. Descriptions, explanations, and predictions put forth in a middle-range theory are intended to answer questions about nursing phenomena, yet they do not cover the full range of phenomena of concern to the discipline. A middle- ange theory provides a perspective from which to view complex situations and a direction for interventions (Fawcett, 1993). An example of a middlerange theory is Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations. 3- A micro-range theory is the most concrete and narrow in scope. A micro- range theory explains a specific phenomenon of concern to the discipline (Fawcett, 1993), such as the effect of social supports on grieving and would establish nursing care guidelines to address the problem. History and evolution of nursing theory The work of early nursing theorists in the 1950s focused on the tasks of nursing practice from a somewhat mechan istic viewpoint. Because of this emphasis, much of the art of nursing—the value of caring, the relationship aspects of nursing, and the esthetics of practice—was diminished. During the decades of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, many nursing theorists struggled with making nursing practice, theory, and research fit into the then prevailing view of science.Reflecting changes in global awareness of health care needs, several contemporary nursing theorists have projected a new perspective for nursing that truly unifies the notion of nursing as both an art and a science. Noted nursing theorists such as Leininger, Watson, Rogers, Parse, and Newman have been urging the discipline of nursing to embrace this new emerging view that is seen as more holistic, humanistic, client focused, and grounded in the notion of caring as the core of nursing.Since the early 1950s, many nursing theories have been systematically developed to help describe, explain, and predict the phenomena of conc ern to nursing. Each of these established theories provides a unique perspective and each is distinct and separate from other nursing theories in its particular view of nursing phenomena. REFERENCES Leahy,j. ,Kizilay,P. : Foundations of nursing practice; Nursing process Approach, New York, W. B. Saunders, 2005 White, L. : Foundations of Nursing: Caring the Whole Person, NewYork, Thomson Learning, 2001

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

China’s Relations with African Countries: Strategic Perspective (Case of Madagascar) Essay

Year 1st Semester Course: MEDIA IN CHINA [pic] TOPIC: CHINA’S RELATIONS WITH AFRICAN COUNTRIES: STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE (CASE OF MADAGASCAR) STU. NAME: RANDRIANASOLO Fenolanto Salome STU. NO. CLASS SCHOOL LECTUERER: PROFESSOR LUO QING GRADE: Master CHINA’S RELATIONS WITH AFRICAN COUNTRIES: STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE (CASE OF MADAGASCAR) INTRODUCTION In recent decades, while China can ignore other countries, other countries cannot ignore China. It is beginning to play an increasingly important role in many areas such as economics, political, and socio-cultural. This is a great new rising power at the beginning of the 21st century. This explosive growth of China has generated significant debates among policymakers, scholars and business leaders on a number of levels. China is now building relationships in several countries especially in Africa. There have been a number of contacts between China and African states in recent decades. This paper seeks to understand this recent shift in China’s relation with African countries such as Madagascar. Historical Background In 1955: 29 African and Asian states create the â€Å"Third world† to strengthen its base in Africa and Asia; Since 1960s: . The Chinese leader Mao supported the African independences. China supports the ambassadors of the emerging countries against Western interference in their internal affairs at the United Nations. In 1978: Deng Xiaoping decided to open the Chinese economy by establishing a new form of socialism; Since the 1990: African economies have opened up for the Asian powers including China; China becomes the spokesperson for developing countries within the WTO (world trade organization) Partnership China-Madagascar: China has become increasingly active on the African continent in recent years and this activity has drawn the attention of scholars and journalists, among others. Diplomatic Relations: Madagascar and China established diplomatic relations November 6, 1972 and bilateral relations between the two countries continue to consolidate, develop and to strengthen since. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1972, their relationship and cooperation in the economic, commercial and various grow without ceasing. In recent years, the leaders of both countries attach great importance the development of relations and exchanges of high-level increase, which gives great impetus to the rapid development of bilateral relations of friendship and Malagasy cooperation. The Minister of Foreign Affairs established the first diplomatic relations between China and Madagascar during the transition (1972-1975); The celebration of the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between China and Madagascar held on 6th November 2012. Several high Malagasy personalities visited China since the 1990s such as the President of the Republic Albert ZAFY in 1994; Madagascar President Marc RAVALOMANANA arrived in Beijing in 2008. During the current transitional period, Ambassador of China Shen Yongxiang has presented his credentials to the Head of State Andrinirina RAJOELINA. Several high Chinese leaders such as the President of the National People’s Congress Chen Muhua; the Second Prime Minister Jiang Chungun and the Vice President of the Republic Hu Jintao was visited Madagascar. Economic Relations: If China’s economic weight is felt in African countries, in particular Madagascar by its commercial dynamism, the country begins to be an investor not negligible. Since 2005, the partnership agreements between Madagascar and China have continued to increase. For example, the establishment of a cement factory, the construction of a large 5 star hotel by a Chinese group, the future construction of a hospital. And even well before the year 2005, investment in China has already had its place in the economy, be it in the industry â€Å"trade†. China is the largest partner of Madagascar in terms of imports; 95% of products from Madagascar benefit from the Chinese treatment tariff exemption; The agreement of economic and technical cooperation between China and Madagascar was signed in 2006. Several Chinese companies investing in Madagascar in the infrastructure, energy, the exploitation of oil and raw materials. Bilateral cooperation in the economic and commercial widens constantly rapidly increasing bilateral trade, investment activates the  day and exchanges in cultural, educational and human intensify. The consultations between the two countries in international affairs reinforce more. Cultural Relation: During 40 years of partnership, China has provided more than 350 scholarships and has trained more than 860 government officials and journalist. CONFUCIUS Institutes were established in three provinces of the Big Island. Impact and perspective: The Chinese presence opens a new perspective for developing countries and it presents many more choices in terms of policy and developing model. It allows exploitation of natural resources with higher prices of raw materials and facilitates access to international aid. It promotes the diversification of investment, a new spirit based on the expression win-win more attractive. China’s growth is pushing up global demand and therefore  the price of commodities exported by African countries. In addition, China has become the main partner of several African countries: it provides cheaper manufactured goods and reduces their dependence on their ways traditional trading partners. In the case of Madagascar, the local market is still underdeveloped in that 20% of the population live in urban areas and in this context, the abundance of Chinese products (food, textiles, toys, shoes, appliances, †¦ Markets Local penalizes local industries to the extent that the price of Chinese products is well below the cost of local industries and supply is abundant. The competitiveness of local industries is low compared to the value of a product Chinese including textiles and food products. In the Capital Antananarivo, expansion and Chinese domination can be analyzed via the rapid development of a shopping center Behoririka (name of district) in the middle Capital in the image of Chinatown. Added to this is the development of restorations. However, these imports improve the well-being of people in that price consumer goods from China are within the powers of purchases population. The development of these businesses creates jobs but the salary level remains insufficient compared to the level of wages in the private sector in Madagascar. Chinese competition also exerts downward pressure on the cost of investment. Chinese equipment (transport, agriculture) is very cheap an alternative to higher quality goods. However, the lifetime of the equipment is not long compared to the same type of equipment from Europe. Chinese growth will boost African exports but will also increase volatility. China opened its market by treating preferential tariff least developed countries, but this has not yet been impacted on African exports. In the case of Madagascar, export to the China is still insufficient compared to the values of imports and has been a decade. This increases the trade deficit Malagasy and may undermine the external reserves position of the Central Bank of Madagascar. If Europe the main export destination from Madagascar, China still relatively low and represents 2. 2%. In terms of trade between China and Madagascar, relationships become increasingly important during the last decade. Current trends regional trade showed a significant increase and the value of continuous imports from China, and a modest increase in export exports Madagascar to China. Changes in imports and exports of Madagascar with China do not evolve at the same rate, resulting in an imbalance of trade. The exchanges are obviously in favor of China. CONCLUSION In short cooperation with China is mutually beneficial and China has promoted the cultural development in Madagascar. Projects underway in Madagascar, which involve Chinese aid, are also very visible. In terms of foreign direct investment, the weight of Chinese investors is not negligible and is around 10%. The majority of Chinese capital from Hong Kong. Chinese companies are among the providers of jobs in Madagascar. If the participation of France in the capital is very dominant in Madagascar, China’s participation has increased by 0. 8% to 10. 9% over the same period and has a negative influence on the situation in France. This attests to the strengthening of the position China and offset somewhat the impact of French colonization of the current situation. The friendly cooperation in the field of education, health and trade, have borne remarkable fruit. We think that with the principle of mutual benefit, cooperation between China and Madagascar will have a bright future. REFERENCES †¢ http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-africa-13864364 †¢ http://www. irinnews. org/Madagascar †¢ http://www. state. gov/p/af/ci/ma/ †¢ file:///F:/feed%20back%20de%2040%20ans. htm †¢ file:///F:/CCTV%20mirrroir%20d%20afrik%20frappe%20chinoise. htm file:///F:/mada%20chine%202. htm †¢ http://www. xinhuanet. com/english/home. htm †¢ Perspectives economiques en Afrique. OCDE. 2006 †¢ Plan cadre des Nations Unies pour l’assistance au developpement (UNDAF) Madagascar 2008-2011. Systeme des Nations Unies. Juin 2007 †¢ Rapport National sur le Developpement Humain Madagascar 2006 : Le s technologies de l’information et de la communication et developpement humain. PNUD. Avril 2007 †¢ Les echanges entre la Chine et L’Afrique : Situation actuelle, perspectives et sources pour l’analyse , Jean Raphael Chaponniere, STATECO N °100, 2006.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Meaning of Illiteracy

Definition and Meaning of Illiteracy Illiteracy is the quality or condition of being unable to read or write. Illiteracy is a major problem throughout the world. According to Anne-Marie Trammell, Worldwide, 880 million adults have been labeled as illiterate, and in the United States it is estimated that almost 90 million adults are functionally illiterate, that is to say that they do not have the minimal skills needed to function in society (Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, 2009). In England, says a report from the National Literacy Trust, Around 16 percent, or 5.2 million adults, can be described as functionally illiterate. They would not pass an English GCSE and have literacy levels at or below those expected of an 11-year-old (Literacy: State of the Nation, 2014).   Observations The subculture of illiteracy is larger than anyone on the outside would ever believe. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) conducted a study of illiteracy among adults in the United States in 2003, the results of which were released in December 2005. NAAL found that 43 percent of the total population aged 16 and older, or some 93 million people, ranked at the below-basic or basic level in their reading skills. Fourteen percent of the adult population had below-basic skills in reading and understanding prose texts, a percentage that was unchanged from 1992 when the first NAAL report was released.The gap between the 43 percent at below-basic and basic prose literacy and the 57 percent at intermediate and proficient raises the question: How can those at lower levels compete in a world that demands increasing literacy skills? Not surprisingly, the NAAL study found that among adults with below-basic prose literacy, 51 percent were not in the labor force.(John Corcoran, The Bri dge to Literacy. Kaplan, 2009) Illiteracy and the Internet As teenagers’ scores on standardized reading tests have declined or stagnated, some argue that the hours spent prowling the Internet are the enemy of reading, diminishing literacy, wrecking attention spans and destroying a precious common culture that exists only through the reading of books.But others say the Internet has created a new kind of reading, one that schools and society should not discount. The Web inspires a teenager who might otherwise spend most of her leisure time watching television, to read and write.(Motoko Rich, Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading? The New York Times, July 27, 2008) Literacy as  a Continuum of Skills Illiteracy has fallen from one in five people to almost nonexistent over a century and a bit. But illiteracy clearly isn’t a single on-or-off switch. It’s not just you can read and write or you can’t. Literacy is a continuum of skills. Basic education now reaches virtually all Americans. But many among the poorest have the weakest skills in formal English.That combines with another fact: more people are writing than ever before. Even most of the poor today have cell phones and internet. When they text or scribble on Facebook, they’re writing. We easily forget that this is something that farmhands and the urban poor almost never did in centuries past. They lacked the time and means even if they had the education.(Robert Lane Greene, Schotts Vocab Guest Post: Robert Lane Greene on Language Sticklers. The New York Times, March 8, 2011)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Developing a Global Leadership

Developing a Global Leadership With ever increasing globalization and change in business environment, leaders will be challenged to manage relationships more than in the past. This will include the ability to interact effectively with diversity of partners and other businesses and within the larger context of differing cultures. This will truly require global leaders. As Allen J Morrison has discussed in his paper, the changing global environment is likely to continue to stimulate the transformation and revitalization of not only business institutions but also that of leadership styles and approaches. Small as well as large corporations recognize they will have to change in order to compete in the global marketplace. Such transformations require a new set of leadership skills and a good working definition of leadership.Globalization is not a new phenomenon or a new trend. Globalization has become a common trend among organizations in a fight for survival and to expand markets across the globe.Kelvin discusses rese arch ethics during trainingWith this comes a new challenge that is needed to handle globalization. One of the most prominent challenges is to find a leadership style or model that suits your globalization strategy. Global leadership was given more importance post the 1950's. Until before that it was looked up oddly when people spoke of international business. The human resource would look at developing only competencies that suit domestic business. While those who were looking for opportunities abroad were left to fend for themselves and develop competencies that were needed to survive overseas.The article reviews articles from three separate literature streams namely, domestic leadership literature, contingency theory and global strategy literature, and cross-cultural management literature. Literature for domestic leadership has plenty of contributions from the olden days as well as contributions from notable personalities such as Aristotle, Descartes, Confucius, and Machiavelli. O ne area which has limited contributions is the systematic...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mmmm, You Dirty Rat!

Mmmm, You Dirty Rat! Mmmm, You Dirty Rat! Mmmm, You Dirty Rat! By Maeve Maddox Its the rare media mention of Wall Street con man Bernie Madoff that doesn’t contain the word rat in some context. Bernard Madoff is an evil crook but apparently not a rat. The Big Rats off to the Big House for Life, What About the Little Rats? Madoff may rat out co-conspirators They [Mr. and Mrs. Madoff] seemed to stay apart from the herd,† the club member said. â€Å"They chose not to get into that social rat race.† U.S. District Judge Denny Chin who presumably will sentence Madoff said that he’d sharply limit the number of Madoff victims who get to shake their fist in the swindler’s face and tell him what a rat he is†¦ It is almost inconceivable that Madoff could have spent 20 years squirreling away clients money in a Chase Manhattan bank account, conducting virtually no legitimate transactions, without anybody at Madoff Investment Securities smelling a rat – The etymological origin of the word rat is lost in the mists of the long history shared by this repugnant animal and human beings. (I know, white rats make nice pets. Im talking about nasty rats au naturel.) The OED offers several possible origins, but concludes: It is uncertain whether the Latin and Romance words are cognate with the Germanic words, or whether they were borrowed from Germanic, or vice versa; in any case the ultimate origin is uncertain; perhaps imitative of the sound of gnawing. The OED also offers seven entries for rat as a noun and three for rat as a verb. The literal meaning of rat is, of course, a rodent resembling a large mouse, often with a naked or sparsely haired tail. Then there are the figurative uses that derive from the fact that rats are associated with filth and that they are said to be quick to leave a sinking ship or a falling house. The sense of rat as one who abandons his associates was in use in 1629. rat as a noun rat a despicable person, especially one who betrays or informs upon associates. rat scab laborer NOTE: a scab is either an employee who works while his colleagues are on strike, or an outsider hired to replace a striking worker. rat a pad of material, typically hair, worn as part of a womans coiffure to puff out her own hair. rat as a verb rat intransitive verb to desert a party, cause, or princple; to go over as a deserter; to abandon, desert, or betray any person or thing. rat transitive verb to backcomb or tease hair rat intransitive to act as an informer; to betray to the police or other authorities rat on to inform on a person rat out to inform on a person; to betray a person to the police or other authorities Other rat words and expressions rat-fink teenage slang from the 60s. A pleonasm since either rat or fink alone can mean an informant or, as verbs to inform. rat-race A fiercely competitive race or contest; spec. urban working life regarded as an unremitting struggle for wealth ., status, etc. ratsbane arsenic rathole messy, nasty place rat-pack juvenile gang; celebrities surrounding Frank Sinatra to smell a rat to suspect that something is wrong Rat has even become a suffix to create words that mean person who frequents such and such a place: dock-rat, bar-rat, rug-rat, etc. My brother, like many Cagney impersonators, thought he was quoting Cagney when he said, with appropriate grimaces and inflections, Mmmmm, you dirty rat! According to the Wikipedia Cagney bio, what Cagney really said in the movie Taxi! was Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or Ill give it to you through the door! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesThe Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English AlphabetThe "Pied" in The Pied Piper

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis of The Choice by the Russell Roberts Essay

Analysis of The Choice by the Russell Roberts - Essay Example Writer convincingly put forward important arguments in favor of free trade and how it can actually increase the economic prosperity. What is, however, also critical to note that the author has practically failed to realize as to how protectionism can actually provide necessary benefits to an economy. The example of China is one of the critical examples of how the selective protectionism can play an instrumental role in the development of the country and writer has probably failed to envisage a future where different variations of the protectionism can actually increase economic freedom and contribute towards the growth. As such the advocacy of the free trade by the author is actually an advocacy of the American dream and not a more practical presentation of economic theory and logic and how protectionism can too contribute towards the development of a nation regardless of the fact whether the country is actively involved in the free trade or  not.

What is Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is Art - Essay Example It was like art for me was ballet, Van Gogh, and those expensive pieces auctioned off at Christie’s. The keyword is â€Å"expensive† – a consumerist concept. The interactions within the lectures – those between teacher and students and students among themselves, gave me further insights. As I learned together with others, I came to understand the diversity of our perceptions, of our skills and the individual ability to construct meanings. So art may be different but it can also be universal. It is like the concept truth, in a way. I also discovered some of my personal biases and preferences and how they affect my understanding and interpretation of artworks. Having recognized this, I can say that I am now in a better position to appreciate art and identify what it is. One important principle that I learned was that in art, there is no one or single beauty because beauty is diverse. I have learned the dynamics behind this, which I believe widened my horizon and understanding so that I am able to appreciate art in its true

Friday, October 18, 2019

Continuous Professional Development Portfolio Assignment

Continuous Professional Development Portfolio - Assignment Example 13). All resources needed to implement the activities outlined in the plan need to be well sourced. Commitment to the plan needs to be shown by the individual in order for professional and personal development opportunities to be realised. If by any chance, an individual is not committed to executing outlined development activities, improving his skills and knowledge is very difficult, and vice versa. In this report, I am going to outline my own personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, and strategies to improve them. I am an Omani by nationally, and was born in a place known as Sultanate of Oman. I am aged 30 years and married. I am a statistics specialist and teacher by profession. I have been very successful in my academic career. Currently, I am studying an English course at the University of Salford, United Kingdom. I have a bachelor degree in education and a third certificate secondary school certificate. I have been lucky to work in a number of schools that have been instrumental in my professional development. Having opportunities to exercise my personal skills and knowledge has played a significant role in the process of improving my competencies. My skills and knowledge in the education, statistics and administration field has played a significant role in enabling me secure various employment opportunities. In all my workplaces, I have always emerged as the best employee and leader. From 3rd November to present, I am employed as a Statistician at the ministry of civil service in Oman. My roles and duties are as outlined below; I have also had a good experience in managing workforce, working as an assistant human resource manager. I used to manage employees in a friendly manner, hence the reason why my team used to realise set goals and objectives within the set period of time. As a HR profession, my roles and responsibilities were; I have been able to gain a number of work skills in my career development and experience. Skills

Ogallala Aquifer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Ogallala Aquifer - Assignment Example This has resulted to unfavorable economic realities which include reduced agricultural production, reduced revenue, lower tax revenues and also a reduction in the availability of community services (Kabbes 84). Reduced agricultural production can be attributed to increased irrigation cost as a result of the decline in the water levels of the Aquifer. Pumping the reduced water level is capital-intensive bearing in mind that the farmers in the region depend on natural gas to pump water. This, therefore, has increased the cost of irrigation. The increased cost of irrigation as a result of the declining water level has resulted to small profit margins for the Texas Panhandle producers (Kabbes 84). As a result of the decreased profits in agricultural production in the Texas Panhandle region, farmers have opted to practice non-irrigated farming, conservation tillage, precision irrigation systems, as well as different crop selection. They have adopted an alternative of cotton farming since it requires less water. This has had a positive impact since cotton farming has turned out to be profitable, from the fact that it requires far less irrigation water as compared to corn and alfalfa. The reduced production costs have produced an increased economic return, leading to an increase in the acreage for cotton (Kabbes 85). Reduced groundwater has also resulted in a decrease in the economic activities members of the public engage in. With increased cost of production, a number of farmers have been pushed out of the farming business, rendering them jobless. This has created a double effect of them having to rely on the working group, meaning limited contribution in the economy. The reduction in the water levels of the Aquifer has also produced environmental impacts, with the most prominent one being land subsidence. The intensity of increased water pumping has resulted in land subsidence of vast areas. The land subsidence can permanently reduce the aquifer’s storage

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss critically the central aspect of the US Chapter 11 model of Essay

Discuss critically the central aspect of the US Chapter 11 model of corporate bankruptcy and reorganisation - Essay Example PART I: CHAPTER 11 BANKCRUPTCY STATUTE: In term so of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy1 the influential commercial law2 process starts â€Å"with the filing of a petition with the bankruptcy court serving the area where the debtor has a domicile or residence. A petition may be a voluntary petition, which is filed by the debtor, or it may be an involuntary petition, which is filed by creditors that meet certain requirements3. A voluntary petition must adhere to the format of Form 1 of the Official Forms prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States. Unless the court orders otherwise, the debtor also must file with the court: (1) schedules of assets and liabilities; (2) a schedule of current income and expenditures; (3) a schedule of executory contracts and unexpired leases; as well as (4) a statement of financial affairs.† Further, the law indicates that the debtor is an individual (or husband and wife), there must be more document filing prerequisites4. The debtors must: fil e a certificate of credit counseling and a copy of any debt repayment plan crafted through credit counseling; evidence of a possible payment from employers that had been received 60 days prior to the filing; a statement of monthly net income as well as anticipated ballooning in income or expenses after the debtor’s filing; and a record of any interest that the debtor has in either federal or state qualified education or tuition accounts5. Further, a husband or wife is allowed to file a joint petition or individual petitions6. After filing the $1,000 case filing fee7, Bankruptcy Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule, Item 8, the law also indicates the limits to only four the number of installments for the filing fee8. In addition, when filing a voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11, the debtor is automatically metamorphosed as a "debtor in possession9." The term refers to a debtor who keeps possession and control of the entities’ assets during the reorganisation exp lained under chapter 11, without the appointment of new case trustee. The debtor in possession can run the business. The debtor remains a debtor in possession until the debtor's plan of reorganisation is approved (confirmation); the debtor's case is dismissed or converted to chapter 7, or when a chapter 11 trustee is selected. The selection of a trustee happens rarely. Normally, the debtor, as "debtor in possession," controls the entities’ operations and implements many acts of the job responsibilities that a trustee sets into motion in cases under other chapters10. Further, the contents of the plan must include a classification of claims and should indicate how each class of claims must be treated under the plan11. The entities’ creditor claims can be identified as "impaired," i.e., those whose contractual rights are to be enhanced or who will be paid less than the full value of their claims under the plan, put the proposed rehabilitation plan to a ballot box voting12 . After the disclosure statement is approved by the United States court and the ballots are collected and tallied, the court will put into motion a confirmation hearing to determine whether to confirm the plan13. In terms of Debtor in Possession. Chapter 11 bankruptcy law dictates a corporation or entity lives as distinct and apart from its investment

Christian Dior's existing and recommended luxury brand strategies Assignment

Christian Dior's existing and recommended luxury brand strategies - Assignment Example ................................................................. 4 2.1 Importance of Conducting Brand Audit ............................................... 4 2.2 Interrelationship between Brand Positioning, Brand Association, Brand Identity, Brand Image, and Core Brand Value in Creating Brand Equity .......................................................................................... 6 2.3 Significance of Points-of-Differences and Points-of-Parity in Brand Positioning .................................................................................. 11 2.4 Importance of Brand Communication Campaign ................................. 11 2.5 Significance of Marketing Mix in the Use of Integrated Marketing Communication .................................................................... 12 3. Research Methodology ............................................................................................ 13 4. Analysis of Current Luxury Brand Audit and Its Strategies ............. ...................... 14 5. Recommended Luxury Brand Strategies ............................................................... 16 References ......................................................................................................................... 17 – 21 Appendix I – Dior’s Fashion Designs ................................................................................ ... fashion designer, Christian Dior sells a wide-range of fashion clothing for men and women of all ages, footwear, accessories, leather goods, fragrance, beauty products like make-up and skin care products, jewelleries, and timepieces (Christian Dior, 2013a). Today, Dior is competing with other luxury brands like Calvin Klein, Chanel, Givenchy, Gucci, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Versace, and Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) among others (Kapferer, 2008, p. 97). To ensure that the company is able to make its products readily available to its target customers, Dior is currently operating a total of 235 boutiques all over the world (Hoovers, 2013). On top of the number of boutiques this company is currently managing, Dior allows other retailers to sell its wide-range of men, women, and baby clothing, lingerie, perfumes, and other accessories under a limited number of business license (Lynne, 2013). As a luxury brand, Dior is one of the most successful in the world market. With total sales of â‚ ¬1.24 billion, Christian Dior Couture recently announced that the brand managed to experience a 24% increase in its total sales as of 2012 (Diderich, 2013; Fenner, 2013; Karmali, 2013; Spedding, 2013). 1.1 Significance of the Project The global economic and financial crisis which started back in 2007 has a significant impact over the economic instability which most developed and developing countries are currently experiencing (United Nations, 2011). Despite the financial and economic difficulty, it is surprising to know that the luxury brand such as in the case of Christian Dior has recently experienced a sharp growth in its annual sales (Diderich, 2013; Fenner, 2013; Karmali, 2013; Spedding, 2013). For this reason, the luxury brand Christian Dior was purposely chosen as the subject of this

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss critically the central aspect of the US Chapter 11 model of Essay

Discuss critically the central aspect of the US Chapter 11 model of corporate bankruptcy and reorganisation - Essay Example PART I: CHAPTER 11 BANKCRUPTCY STATUTE: In term so of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy1 the influential commercial law2 process starts â€Å"with the filing of a petition with the bankruptcy court serving the area where the debtor has a domicile or residence. A petition may be a voluntary petition, which is filed by the debtor, or it may be an involuntary petition, which is filed by creditors that meet certain requirements3. A voluntary petition must adhere to the format of Form 1 of the Official Forms prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States. Unless the court orders otherwise, the debtor also must file with the court: (1) schedules of assets and liabilities; (2) a schedule of current income and expenditures; (3) a schedule of executory contracts and unexpired leases; as well as (4) a statement of financial affairs.† Further, the law indicates that the debtor is an individual (or husband and wife), there must be more document filing prerequisites4. The debtors must: fil e a certificate of credit counseling and a copy of any debt repayment plan crafted through credit counseling; evidence of a possible payment from employers that had been received 60 days prior to the filing; a statement of monthly net income as well as anticipated ballooning in income or expenses after the debtor’s filing; and a record of any interest that the debtor has in either federal or state qualified education or tuition accounts5. Further, a husband or wife is allowed to file a joint petition or individual petitions6. After filing the $1,000 case filing fee7, Bankruptcy Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule, Item 8, the law also indicates the limits to only four the number of installments for the filing fee8. In addition, when filing a voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11, the debtor is automatically metamorphosed as a "debtor in possession9." The term refers to a debtor who keeps possession and control of the entities’ assets during the reorganisation exp lained under chapter 11, without the appointment of new case trustee. The debtor in possession can run the business. The debtor remains a debtor in possession until the debtor's plan of reorganisation is approved (confirmation); the debtor's case is dismissed or converted to chapter 7, or when a chapter 11 trustee is selected. The selection of a trustee happens rarely. Normally, the debtor, as "debtor in possession," controls the entities’ operations and implements many acts of the job responsibilities that a trustee sets into motion in cases under other chapters10. Further, the contents of the plan must include a classification of claims and should indicate how each class of claims must be treated under the plan11. The entities’ creditor claims can be identified as "impaired," i.e., those whose contractual rights are to be enhanced or who will be paid less than the full value of their claims under the plan, put the proposed rehabilitation plan to a ballot box voting12 . After the disclosure statement is approved by the United States court and the ballots are collected and tallied, the court will put into motion a confirmation hearing to determine whether to confirm the plan13. In terms of Debtor in Possession. Chapter 11 bankruptcy law dictates a corporation or entity lives as distinct and apart from its investment

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Do Modern Forms of Administration and Discipline Undermine the Essay

Do Modern Forms of Administration and Discipline Undermine the Liberties and Rights Promised by the Modern State - Essay Example An initial discussion of what the modern state represents shall be presented, followed by an evaluation of the current forms of administration. A deeper analysis of how these modern forms of administration impact on the modern state shall then be presented. Body The modern state The Montevideo Convention explains that a state is one which possesses the following elements: a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter to government relations. This criterion for statehood was arrived at in 1935 and supported by the world in general. Max Weber presents another conceptualization of the state, one which is derived from the early beginnings of statehood. He defines the state to be â€Å"a human continuity that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory† (Weber, 1958, p. 78). Weber’s definition also points out that the state must have the absolute control over the legitimate application of force ( New York University, 2002). The concept of legitimacy has not always been easy to define with various actions being carried out by the state in the name of such legitimate authority; however, these actions have not always been technically legitimate. Moreover, for purposes of securing state functions, the components of legitimacy have not been strictly met (New York University, 2002). The use of force which is attributed to the state is therefore not always based on a legitimate exercise of power. This also suggests that a state’s use of force may not always need to be legitimate, for as long as the perceptions of the people are assuaged in terms of the legitimacy of such force (New York University, 2002). Another element of Weber’s concept of the state is on the monopoly by the state on the legitimate exercise of force. This monopoly has always been a source of issue among theorists and scholars because there have been acknowledged instances where non-state actors hav e legitimately used force (Foucault, 1980). This was seen in instances when force was used by non-state actors like the Irish Republican Army, the Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Palestine areas, and the exercise of force by the Al-Qaeda in Iraq; these actions are considered by many experts as a legal application of force in response to foreign interference and oppression (New York University, 2002). However, in terms of other perspectives on the use of force, one’s side in the conflict can often make a difference on the judgment made on such force. The bottom line is that it is not clearly apparent that a state actually has a monopoly on the application of force (New York University, 2002). In effect, other scholars have not actively considered the use of the term monopoly in characterizing a state’s application of force. Modern administration Political analysts discuss that the modern state has now a significant control over the practice and use of violence in the cou ntry. They echo Max Weber as he expresses that the state’s exclusive right to use force is crucial to its ability to function. These idea for the modern state was not however true during the 16th and 17th century when the concept of the modern state was still being introduced (Hirst, 1997). At that time, small and contentious political entities did not have the right to claim these territories, and on the other hand, other leaders

Monday, October 14, 2019

Critical Approach on Calvin Klein X Essay Example for Free

Critical Approach on Calvin Klein X Essay To analyse this advertisement campaign, we use the critical approach theory. The first principle of this theory states that, all media messages are constructed. Some information is included, but much is also left out. Questions are not asked. Using this approach, we realize that in the Calvin Klein X ad campaign we chose, we only see images of muscular men but not pictures of scrawny looking men. The question is, does wearing Calvin Klein X make you look muscular and hot? Is CK X the only way to make you look good? The way the X is placed on the men’s bodies brings the attention of the viewers to the body and not the product itself. What does this mean? The Ad is in black and white, is there a reason for this? The second principle of the Critical approach theory states that Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules. The typography of the X used in the campaign looks as if it is 4 arrows combined together, pointing at the product. The background colour of the Ad is white, to not draw the attention of the viewers away from the muscular men wearing the product. The way these models pose will engage the interest of viewers. Hard lighting is used in the Ad to make the models appear very strong. The shot size of the Ad makes the viewers focus on the big X right in the centre of the body. The third principle states that Different people experience the same media message differently. Men will think that wearing CK X will automatically make them look hot and women will think that if their boyfriends wear CK X, it will make them look hot. However, some men might think that this Ad objectifies men into eye candy. This Ad would be more directed to the adults, kids would not be interested in this. Furthermore, parents who are more conservative and people of the older generation, especially in the Asian context will think that this Ad is disgusting. People who are more religious and believe in that not showing your body to the public will not like this either. They would not be interested in the product too. The fourth principle states that the media consists primarily businesses driven by a profit motive. Because of the profit motive, the media will do anything to gain revenue. Thus at times, sensitive topics and images are brought up. This is because it will engage the interest of many people and when they are interested, they will automatically purchase the product. Even if they do not purchase, the â€Å"hot topic† will be spread around through word of mouth, gaining the attention of everyone. The fifth and last principle of the critical approach theory states that the media has embedded values and points of view. The Ad gives the point of view that in order to be hot and muscular, one has to wear CK X. The Ad is as though it is saying that is ok to be open about your body as the men in the Ad are not clothed. Not everyone will agree with this values and point of views and thus, this Ad will not be able to reach out to everyone except to those who are interested.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Benefits of childcare robots

Benefits of childcare robots In todays ever-changing world, the rampant use of various technology and robots have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Since the Industrial Revolution, robots have been used in manufacturing and automotive industries. With the rapid advancement in technology, the use of robots is increasing at an exponential rate. From the graph above, it is evident that the world robot population has increased by almost 2 folds from 4.49million in 2006 to 8.37million in 2010. Domestic service, educational and leisure robots have contributed to the large increase in the use of robots in the 21st century. International Federation of Robotics (IFR) has forecasted a USD$17 billion in sales for the robot market worldwide by 2013. ( Hence, with the multi-faceted use of robots currently existing in our daily lives, one can expect robots specialising in childcare to be a part of reality in the near future. Children have always been fascinated by robots. This is reflected in the increasing number of students taking part in robotics competitions. Moreover, when a bomb disposal robot was deployed in a village of Iraq, it caught the attention of the village children who surrounded it with great interest. Studies have also shown that the interaction between robots and children have yielded positive effects. As a result, robots have also been used as tools for educational purposes. Advantages With the current population trend moving from single-income to dual-income families, there is an increasing need for parents to provide the necessary childcare services for their children while they are both busy at work. This trend coupled with the evolving use of robots has sparked the research on childcare robots as a means to resolving the issue of juggling with raising a child concurrently with providing for the family. The potential of childcare robots is immense and has thus generated a lot of hype. Not only can it have a huge impact on society but it also has the potential to bring about radical changes in our everyday lives. The concept of childcare robots has existed for decades. Proto-types of childcare robots are already available in the world today due to technological advancements which have minimised the cost of building and assembling a robot. Currently, there are 14 companies in Japan and Korea that have developed childcare robots. The PaPeRo is an example of a childcare robot which has been developed by NEC, a leading Japanese electronics company who is a pioneer in the development of childcare robots. It has been designed to live and interact with people through its autonomous and communication functions. One of its primary functions is to protect a child and prevent him from harms way. This can be done through mobile monitoring whereby the robot has cameras installed in its eyes which allow working parents to monitor their childs movement at home through their laptops while they are at work. The parent will have full control of the robot and can navigate it around the house to ensure that his or her child is under constant supervision even if he or she is not physically there. The PaPeRo can also be programmed to look out for potential hazardous situations and consequently prevent the child at home from becoming a victim of it. Its autonomous function and obstacle avoidance capability thereby allow working parents to focus on their work due to its nature of independent mobility. Disadvantages Although childcare robots may solve the woes of modern working parents, one cannot help but ask how credible is the robot in ensuring the safety of the child at home? Who should be responsible in the case whereby the child still gets hurt under the care of the robot? Childcare robots may have dire consequences on the child if they are not employed with caution. Previously, parents had to juggle between their family and work. As the concept of childcare robot surfaced, it liberated parents as the primary caregivers from choosing between their work commitments and looking after their child. This would result in less time spent together and the mutual bonding between parent and child will be lost in the process. The primary upbringing of a child thence no longer rests upon the shoulders of the parents but in the hands of a childcare robot instead. From a societal perspective, a parents primary responsibility is to provide for their offspring and protect them from harms way. Parents should also impart the necessary knowledge and skills to survive in their later years during the developmental stages of their children in their adolescence. Parents may thus be shirking their primary responsibilities by passing on their role as caregivers to childcare robots. Instead of breastfeeding, which is natural and healthy for a child and also aids in psychological bonding, a robot is created to breastfeed with powdered milk. This is physically not healthy for a baby and would be a worrying trend to society. The role of caregivers is no longer clearly defined between humans and robots. One can only wonder what kind of psychological impact this may potentially have on a child when he is brought up by an autonomous robot made of steel instead of his own warm-blooded biological parents. As robots become increasingly popular and available, should we devise international ethics guidelines for their use? -Manfred Werner The issue of formalised guidelines also arises with the extensive use of childcare robots in the future. To protect a child from negligence and abuse, there will be a need for governmental and international bodies to regulate and lay down ethical guidelines ensuring the fair and just use of childcare robots. By regulating its use, it could reiterate the fact that parents are still the primary caregivers of their child and childcare robots should only be a tool to assist them and not replace them. One should not hold the robots totally liable to the care of ones child. Children playing with robots Studies have shown that leaving a child with minimal human contact would retard the mental and intellectual development of the child. ( Although the child may develop an emotional attachment to the robot, his cognitive development may be impaired as he may be spending most of his childhood with a childcare robot. Furthermore, the bonding between a child and robot may mislead the child into thinking that such a relationship is real and identical to that with human beings. The impairing of his cognitive abilities coupled with the inability to distinguish between human and robotic relationships may thus lead the child to face problems interacting with other children. Consequently, the child may alienate himself from the rest of society in response to the ostracising he potentially faces from his peers. Ultimately, robots are machines that face the usual technical problems of malfunctioning and may become obsolete over time. The child may outgrow the robot as his needs change at such a rapid rate. The childcare robot may only be programmed to handle toddlers and infants instead of school going children and hence it may become inadequate in looking after a child as they grow older. A child raised by machines may be detrimental to society and contribute to the degradation of healthy human relationships in the generations to come. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that childcare robots are largely beneficial to enhancing childcare. Even without the existence of robots, there are still cases of child abuse and negligence by parents who have shirked their responsibility in caring for their child. In such cases, a robot may actually do an even better job in ensuring that the child is well taken care of. As research on childcare robots intensifies, the robot can be programmed to perform more sophisticated tasks, inter alia, expressing emotions and reacting differently to a wide vocabulary of words and range of feelings. However, in spite of the hype and benefits of childcare robots, I personally feel that it would be of best interest to society that they should only be used as a tool to assist in childcare and not replace the quintessential role of parents. Conclusion In conclusion, although the potential and benefits of childcare robots are limitless in the future, it is critical for us human beings to take a step back and ponder over the underlying ethical and legal issues that arise from their use. There should be a concerted effort by governments and a regulatory body to create a set of common and concrete guidelines to regulate the use of childcare robots. However, I feel that these are but mere infant steps to a realm of human co-existing with artificial intelligence. I care about our young people, and I wish them great success, because they are our Hope for the Futureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Dave Barry Youths are the key to our future. It is imperative then that children ought to be moulded in the footsteps of a human being than that of a cold piece of metal work.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Waters Representation of Freedom in Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: essays research papers

In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the Mississippi River serves as a prominent setting. Huck, a rapscallion who runs away from his dad by faking his death, and Jim, a runaway slave who previously knew Huck, meet up on Jackson’s Island via the river. To Jim, the river is a symbol of freedom and a way to learn. To Huck, the river is a symbol of his life and everything he wants. The open waters bring about bonding, fun times, and a safe house for both characters. Amidst the water brings a deeper meaning of the river than just water, it is a great entity that shows freedom. Jim, the runaway slave, uses this river to escape from Miss Watson, his owner, because she planned on selling him for $800. The river flows to the free states, and this is where Jim plans on going with or without Huck. As he is with Huck more and more, Jim learns emotions, like love and compassion, on the river. Jim’s newly shown emotions come into play when the narrator states, â€Å"It was Jim’s voice – nothing ever sounded so good before. I run along the bank a piece and got aboard, and Jim he grabbed me and hugged me, he was so glad to see me† (Twain 112). Love and compassion is shown here by Jim, to Huck. Only freedom has given this runaway slave a way to learn and live like a human being should. Huck, the rapscallion who fakes his death, also has a deep relationship with the river. He relates the river to his life more or less. Since he is a free man, freedom wouldn’t be the right word, more blithe you could say. â€Å"It was kind of lazy and jolly, laying off comfortable all day, smoking and fishing, and no books nor study† (24). Huck’s nature of a care-free person is shown here. He does not like to be cramped up or reformed to anybody he is not. â€Å"[I] said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft† (113). Huck likes to be free and easy like the flowing river. It is undeniable that a slow-flowing river and Huck’s life are inter-related. To both of the characters, who meet up via this entity of water, the river symbolizes a place to bond and safety. Water's Representation of Freedom in Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: essays research papers In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the Mississippi River serves as a prominent setting. Huck, a rapscallion who runs away from his dad by faking his death, and Jim, a runaway slave who previously knew Huck, meet up on Jackson’s Island via the river. To Jim, the river is a symbol of freedom and a way to learn. To Huck, the river is a symbol of his life and everything he wants. The open waters bring about bonding, fun times, and a safe house for both characters. Amidst the water brings a deeper meaning of the river than just water, it is a great entity that shows freedom. Jim, the runaway slave, uses this river to escape from Miss Watson, his owner, because she planned on selling him for $800. The river flows to the free states, and this is where Jim plans on going with or without Huck. As he is with Huck more and more, Jim learns emotions, like love and compassion, on the river. Jim’s newly shown emotions come into play when the narrator states, â€Å"It was Jim’s voice – nothing ever sounded so good before. I run along the bank a piece and got aboard, and Jim he grabbed me and hugged me, he was so glad to see me† (Twain 112). Love and compassion is shown here by Jim, to Huck. Only freedom has given this runaway slave a way to learn and live like a human being should. Huck, the rapscallion who fakes his death, also has a deep relationship with the river. He relates the river to his life more or less. Since he is a free man, freedom wouldn’t be the right word, more blithe you could say. â€Å"It was kind of lazy and jolly, laying off comfortable all day, smoking and fishing, and no books nor study† (24). Huck’s nature of a care-free person is shown here. He does not like to be cramped up or reformed to anybody he is not. â€Å"[I] said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft† (113). Huck likes to be free and easy like the flowing river. It is undeniable that a slow-flowing river and Huck’s life are inter-related. To both of the characters, who meet up via this entity of water, the river symbolizes a place to bond and safety. Water's Representation of Freedom in Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: essays research papers In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the Mississippi River serves as a prominent setting. Huck, a rapscallion who runs away from his dad by faking his death, and Jim, a runaway slave who previously knew Huck, meet up on Jackson’s Island via the river. To Jim, the river is a symbol of freedom and a way to learn. To Huck, the river is a symbol of his life and everything he wants. The open waters bring about bonding, fun times, and a safe house for both characters. Amidst the water brings a deeper meaning of the river than just water, it is a great entity that shows freedom. Jim, the runaway slave, uses this river to escape from Miss Watson, his owner, because she planned on selling him for $800. The river flows to the free states, and this is where Jim plans on going with or without Huck. As he is with Huck more and more, Jim learns emotions, like love and compassion, on the river. Jim’s newly shown emotions come into play when the narrator states, â€Å"It was Jim’s voice – nothing ever sounded so good before. I run along the bank a piece and got aboard, and Jim he grabbed me and hugged me, he was so glad to see me† (Twain 112). Love and compassion is shown here by Jim, to Huck. Only freedom has given this runaway slave a way to learn and live like a human being should. Huck, the rapscallion who fakes his death, also has a deep relationship with the river. He relates the river to his life more or less. Since he is a free man, freedom wouldn’t be the right word, more blithe you could say. â€Å"It was kind of lazy and jolly, laying off comfortable all day, smoking and fishing, and no books nor study† (24). Huck’s nature of a care-free person is shown here. He does not like to be cramped up or reformed to anybody he is not. â€Å"[I] said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft† (113). Huck likes to be free and easy like the flowing river. It is undeniable that a slow-flowing river and Huck’s life are inter-related. To both of the characters, who meet up via this entity of water, the river symbolizes a place to bond and safety.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Magna Carta

1. Magna Carta [1215] (52): The Magna Carta was an agreement that insured protection of noble (feudal) liberties from usurpation by the King. The Magna Carta influenced the development of common law (legal precedent), as well as constitutional principles (as seen in the United States Constitution). 2. Chief Powhatan (59): Chief Powhatan was the chief of Algonquian-speaking villages (Powhatan Confederacy) in eastern Virginia, chief of about 10,000 Indians. Powhatan took 80% of the corn his people grew and traded that and hides for weapons. As a result, the English people took over his lands. . Mercantilism (163): Mercantilism was a national program that said that the total amount of the world’s gold and silver stayed the same and only what percent of that each nation had changed then one nation could only become richer by taking another’s gold and silver and taking over its trade. As a result, nations had to develop and protect its own shipping and had to take advantage of the colonies. 4. London (Virginia) Company (57): The Virginia Company was a joint-stock between the First Colony of London and the Second Colony of Plymouth. King James had them go on a religious mission to bring the Christian religion to the natives of the colonies. The settlers trying to change the natives religion led the relations between the two to become tenser. 5. John Smith (59): John Smith was appointed by the Virginia Company to manage Jamestown. Smith was strict and made everyone work. If settlers bickered, he imprisoned them, whipped them and forced them to work. He bargained with Indians and explored and mapped the Chesapeake region. Because of him, Jamestown survived, but he was not well liked by the colonists. . Jamestown (58): Jamestown was the first permanent colony in Virginia by the Virginia Company. The 105 men built a fort, huts, a storehouse and a church. Trade with the Indians and the teachings of the Indians were the only reason Jamestown initially survived. 7. John Rolfe (62): John Rolfe was the reason tobacco became a popular crop. He got a hold of some seeds and tobacco became popular. It had a big profit and he lped the economy. It also led indentured servants to come over, boosting the population. John Rolfe also married Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan’s daughter. She married John Rolfe and they moved to London. John Rolfe was the reason for the tobacco industry in the colonies and more stability between the colonists and Indians. 8. House of Burgesses: 9. Pocahontas (63): Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief Powhatan. She saved John Smith when he trespassed. Powhatan let Smith go in exchange for weapons, beads and trinkets. She was captured in 1614 by Jamestown to try and blackmail Powhatan. She ended up converting to Christianity, changed her named to Rebecca, and married, had a kid and moved to London with John Rolfe. She was a reason Indians and colonists relations improved. 10. Sir William Berkeley (64): Sir William Berkeley was Virginia’s royal governor starting in 1642 and stayed it for the next 35 years. Berkeley favored the richest planters and the commoners rebelled against him in Bacon’s Rebellion. In the end, Berkeley regained control. 11. Headright System (63): The headright system said that anyone who bought a share in The Virginia Company could get 50 acres and 50 more if they brought servants along. Sir Edwin Sandys instituted this reform. It helped the population grow. 12. Indentured servants (62): Indentured servants were people who couldn’t afford to go to America so in exchange for labor, planters would pay for their ride over. This increased the flow of immigrants to the colonies. 13. Bacon’s Rebellion (65): Lowered tobacco prices, rising taxes and freed servants wanting Indian lands contributed to Bacon’s Rebellion. Bacon’s Rebellion grew out of the hatred for Berkeley for favoring the rich planters and hating commoners. Freed indentured servants wanted land and led them to take the Indian’s land. Berkeley didn’t support them so they rebelled. The planters and Indians started to become violent. In 1676, Bacon defied Berkeley by taking command of a group of frontier men. Bacon wanted all Indians dead and Berkeley didn’t. Bacon’s rebellion was the first struggle of common folk versus aristocrats. Berkeley regained control after hanging 23 rebels. A royal commission made a peace treaty with the Indians. The results of the rebellion were new lands opened to colonists and wealthy become more cooperative with commoners. 14. William Bradford (69): William Bradford led 100 men, women and children to the colonies aboard the Mayflower. He and the pilgrims landed at Plymouth and they built on an abandoned Indian village. Bradford led to the Indians and Pilgrims having better relations with each other and Thanksgiving. 15. City on a Hill (72): John Winthrop envisioned the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a city on a hill. Winthrop used hill metaphorically to show that he felt they would above rest of the colonies. 16. John Winthrop (72): John Winthrop was the first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and wanted to use the colony as a refuge for Puritans. He took advantage of the charter by the Massachusetts Bay Company by taking its charter with them, transferring government authority so they could have local control. 17. Pilgrims/separatists (69): The Pilgrims were part of the most radical section of Puritans, the Separatists (Nonconformists). They didn’t like the Church of England and decided it couldn’t be fixed so they would create their own godly congregations. Separatist leaders were imprisoned and sometimes hung. King James I wanted to eliminated them. As a result, they left and went to the colonies to escape. 18. Puritans (68): The Puritans were a group of English Protestants. The Puritans in England executed King Charles and made his son the king. The Puritans settled in New England. They were very religions and claimed to be on a divine mission to create a model Christian society. 19. Massachusetts Bay Colony (72): Massachusetts Bay Colony was intended to be a holy commonwealth. Most of the Puritans there were Congregationalists who formed self-governing churches. 20. Plymouth Colony (69): Plymouth Colony held a land grant but had no charter of government form any English authority. The Mayflower Compact governed it. Its population never rose above 7,000. 21. Mayflower Compact (69): The Mayflower Compact was made by 41 Pilgrim leaders who entered into a formal agreement to obey the laws made by the leaders of their choosing. The Mayflower Compact was the primary source of government for Plymouth Colony. 22. Anne Hutchinson (77): Anne Hutchinson argued with Puritan leaders. She lived in Boston and held sermons in her home. Soon they become popular sermons led by her. She claimed that she got revelations from the Holy Spirit that convinced her that only a few Puritan ministers preached the appropriate covenant of grace. She said the rest of them were â€Å"godless hypocrites† and incompetent. 23. Predestination: Predestination is the Calvinist theory that God has predetermined who will go to heaven and who will go to hell. This led people such as Roger Williams to question why church was necessary. 24. Roger Williams (75): Roger Williams was one of the â€Å"purest of Puritans† and was troubled by the failure of the Massachusetts Nonconformists to get rid of the Church of England. He championed liberty and said that the true covenant was between God and the individual. He posed a question that if one’s salvation depends solely upon god’s grace and you can’t affect it, why even bother having churches? Why not just let people exercise their free will in worship? 25. Pequot War (82): The spark of the Pequot War was when settlers in Massachusetts accused a Pequot of murdering a colonist. The settlers got revenge by setting fire to a Pequot village. As the Pequot’s fled, the Puritans shot and killed them. The Pequot’s refuted by attacking the English. The colonists and their allies-the Narragansett- killed hundreds of Pequots. 26. Iroquois League (96): The Iroquois League was made up for 12,000 people governed by 50 chiefs. The chiefs made decisions for all the villages and acted as peacemakers. They seized Canadian hunting grounds and defeated western tribes to hunt beaver in the region to extinction. French and Indian allies gained the advantage over them and reduced their population by a third. The Iroquois made peace with the French in 1701. 27. Quakers (98): The Quakers were the most influential of the radical religious groups. George Fox founded them in 1647. They were an extremely tolerant group of people. They believed everyone should have complete religious freedom. 28. William Penn (98): William Penn was the founder of the Quaker colony of Pennsylvania. When he took control of Pennsylvania, there was already a scattering of religions and races and he made efforts to bring in more settlers of any religion as long as they believed in God. He offered land and the colony grew rapidly. He purchased land titles from the Indians and even learned an Indian language. The Indians and colonists lived side by side in peace. 29. Atlantic Slave Trade: When plantations increased, the need for slaves increased. This led to the creation of the Atlantic Slave Trade The Atlantic Slave Trade was the selling and transporting of African slaves across the Middle Passage. However, 1 in 7 slaves died during the trip. 30. Stono Slave Rebellion (123): Mistreated slaves rebelled against their masters. The slaves who participated in this rebellion were killed and their heads were set up on mile marks to warn other slaves not to rebel. 31. Triangular Trade (135): New Englanders shipped rum to Africa which they traded for slaves, took the slaves to the West Indies and returned home with molasses which they used to make rum. In another version, they shipped provisions to the West Indies, carried sugar and molasses to England and got good manufactured in Europe. 32. Halfway Covenant (139): In 1662, an assembly of Boston ministers accepted this. It said that baptized kids of church members could get halfway membership and secure baptism for their children in turn. They couldn’t vote in church nor take Communion though. 33. Salem Witch Hysteria (139): In 1691, several teenagers met in the kitchen of the village minister. Soon, the girls began to shout, bark, grovel and twitch for no reason. They told people that three women were Satan’s servants and tormenting them. The three women were arrested. At the hearing, the â€Å"afflicted† girls had fits. One of the accused confessed and gave names of other people who she claimed were working for the devil. The governor disbanded the witch court in Salem and ordered the remaining suspects should be released. Nineteen â€Å"witches† were dead and more than 100 were in jail. Some historians say that it was all about land feuds between people. Most of the accused defied the traditional female roles, which could have been another reason. In 1692, some of the afflicted girls shouted â€Å"a witch† and began acting possessed. No one noticed so the girls stopped and left meaning it all could have been for attention. 34. Ben Franklin (150): Ben Franklin published Poor Richard’s Almanac in 1732, which was a collection of homely maxims on success and happiness. He founded a library, a fire company, helped start University of Pennsylvania and organized a debating club that became the American Philosophical Society. He created the Franklin stove, lightening rod, and glass harmonica. He was a freethinker with no true religion. He believed that people could unlock the mysteries of the universe and shape their own destinies. 35. Poor Richard’s Almanac (150): Poor Richard’s Almanac was written in 1732 by Ben Franklin. It contained a collection of homely maxims on success and happiness. 36. Jonathon Edwards (154): Jonathon Edwards was a Congregationalist minister in Massachusetts. He believed that Christians became too preoccupied with money and that religion had become too intellectual causing it to lose its emotional force. He didn’t like people who had cast off religion. He described hell and heaven, which in turn led people to become more spiritual again. 7. George Whitefield (155): George Whitefield was a minister and the catalyst of the Great Awakening. He wanted to restore religious fervor the American congregations. He preached in Philadelphia, Georgia and New England. Even Ben Franklin went to see Whitefield preach. He was responsible for a lot of religious rebirths. 38. John Lock e (150): John Locke was a philosopher who argued that humanity is a product of the environment. Therefore, the best way to improve society and human nature was to use and improve reason. 39. Enlightenment (149): The Enlightenment was all about reason, science and freedoms. Enlightened thinkers were willing to disregard religious beliefs in favor of more rational ideas. As a result, the colonies became less religious. 40. Great Awakening (154): The Great Awakening affected all 13 of the colonies. George Whitefield basically started it. It led people to embrace religion again as they did before the Enlightenment. 41. New Lights (158): New Lights was one of the divisions of the Congregationalists. Many went over to the Baptists or Presbyterians. This was a result of the Great Awakening undermining churches. 42. Old Lights (158): Old Lights was one of the divisions of the Congregationalists. This was a result of the Great Awakening undermining churches. 43. Navigation Acts (163): The Navigation Act of 1651 required that goods imported to England or the colonies must be on English ships whose crew was mostly English. The Navigation Act of 1660 said that the crew had to be at least ? English, not just mostly. It also said certain goods could only be shipped to England or other English colonies. The Navigation Act of 1663 said that all colonial imports from Europe to the colonies be offloaded, and have duty paid on them before their reshipment to the colonies. The Navigation Acts gave England a monopoly over tobacco and sugar. 44. Salutary neglect (168): Salutary neglect was Walpole’s relaxed policy toward the colonies that gave them greater freedoms. It ultimately led to the colonies having political independence and seeking to become independent from England. 45. George Washington (178): George Washington went to the French fort Fort Le Bouef because the French built forts in Pennsylvania to defend their interests after England got control over more land near Virginia. He went and asked the French to move and they refused. He led volunteers and their Iroquois allies to built a fort where the French had built theirs. He led an ambush on the French. The deaths during were the first tragedies of the French and Indian War. George Washington surrendered after the French attacked a month later. 46. Albany Plan of Union (179): The Albany Congress created The Albany Plan of Union in 1754. It called for a chief executive, supreme governor, and a supreme assembly. It was the basis of the current democracy system. 7. King George III (183): King George III wanted to seek peace and eventually end the French and Indian War and he forced Pitt out of office. He gave England control of most of the United States. 48. Join or Die (180): Join or Die was the first political cartoon created by Ben Franklin. It was created to unite the colonies against the French in 1754. 49. French and Indian War (177): The French and Indian War began after Virginias crossed into French territory to trade with Indians and survey land granted to them by the king. This made the French mad. In 1755, a British fleet captured Nova Scotia and killed most of its French population. The French had a victory, which demonstrated that backwoods warfare depended upon Indian allies and frontier tactics. In 1756 the colonial war became the Seven Years’ War in Europe. Pitt offered people of the colonies subsidies for their help in the war effort. The tides turned in 1758 when the English captured a French fort and the Iroquois (French allies) called off attacks on the English. 50. Treaty of Paris of 1763 (183): The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War and ended French power in America. England took all French possession east of the Mississippi River and Spanish Florida. England invited the Spanish to stay there, but most left and sold their land really cheap to the English. The lands given to the English from the French weren’t the French’s to give, it was Indian land. The Indians struck back and killed people and raided forts. These attacks convinced most colonists that Indians were bad.